Compassionate Companion

Opening times not provided


Compassionate Companions for self-care, grief, caregivers, or end of life

Free Consultation: One free 30 minute online consultation is available to ensure that you are comfortable with me as someone supporting you throughout your sessions. Sessions are 60 minutes. Initially 6 sessions are recommended. Sessions are held online on Zoom or in person when possible.

To arrange a 1:1 session please use the 'Connect' form on website. As your Compassionate Companion I will accompany you through somatic sensory awareness practices that create a safe, nurturing space for you to explore ways to include compassionate care practices within your life.

Services Offered

  • Addiction
  • Advice & Support
  • Alzheimer's
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  • Befriending
  • Bereavement Support
  • Cancer Information
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Dementia
  • Disability
  • Drug and Alcohol Action Teams
  • Emotional Distress
  • Family Support
  • General Cancer Support
  • Harm Reduction
  • Home Visiting
  • Loss & Grief Support
  • Mood Disorders 
  • Outreach Support
  • Rehabilitation
  • Substance Misuse

Contact details


Last Updated: 23/04/2024
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